The base game of Kenshi is already full to the brim with so many things to do that players can ideally spend hundreds of hours without interacting with the full extent of the game mechanics. It's the open-ended nature of Kenshi's gameplay that makes it such a blast to play through. Zelda: Tears of the KingdomStar Wars Jedi: SurvivorDead Island 2Resident Evil 4 (Remake)DREDGEDiablo IVSons of The ForestWild HeartsHogwarts LegacyDark and DarkerPokmon Scarlet & VioletCOD: Warzone 2. Players have all the freedom to do anything they want without being railroaded into following the pre-ordained path. One such title is Kenshi, a massive sandbox title that doesn't really feature a main plot. Updated Jby Ritwik Mitra: Indie gaming has offered many unique experiences where players can get truly lost in for hours on end. Here are some mods that no player should ever go without. Whether providing small but vital quality-of-life improvements, restructuring important mechanics, or overhauling the way that NPCs and factions are handled, the best Kenshi mods bring the game even closer to being the ultimate go-to in post-apocalyptic sandbox roleplaying. The only real limit on what the player can become is their own imagination, assuming, that is, that the desert doesn't kill them first.Īs deep as it is, though, vanilla Kenshi could still be improved, and that's where mods come in. It is up to the player what kind of character they will be in the post-apocalyptic desert: a trader, bandit, merchant, survivalist, slaver, killer, bounty hunter, warlord, or something else entirely. Changes: - Now lords drop their equipment when executed, so they can be looted - Dead allies can also be looted - Soldiers also have a chance to drop their equipment. Welcome back to Kenshi everyone, today I am going to give you my list of best mods for beginners in just 5 minutesMost of these have been covered in one of.
Cities kenshi map mod#
Of all the great sandbox games out there, Kenshi achieves the dream of unbridled exploration and freedom better than most. The high-quality Loot Overhaul mod for Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord significantly improves the loot system in the game.